1. 背景

在Design Details(1)中我们提到, 可以通过一个基于哈希表的book keeper管理所有文件到虚拟地址空间的映射: FileNaming → Mapping range. 但是我们不希望每次对某个文件的page进行read, write时都去查询这个book keeper, 所以我们还需要将映射关系缓存到每个文件的metadata cache中.

2. 在PG中找到表示File metadata cache的数据结构

目前File metadata cache只是我们对Storage manager管理文件方式的一个假设, 所以需要在代码中找到真正表示它的数据结构.

2.1 ReadBuffer

我的思路是从ReadBuffer开始找. 因为ReadBuffer的语义是给次一个磁盘页的位置, 将其内容读取到buffer frame中. PG在给定磁盘页位置(其中必然包含了文件id)进行IO时, 可能会使用我们上面假设的File metadata cache结构. 例如, 其中可能会包含文件描述符. 如果有这个变量, 我们期望它在每个backend中是全局唯一的, 这样我们一旦将映射关系缓存到File metadata cache中, 如果映射关系不发生变化, 则其生命周期就会和backend的生命周期一样长.

 * ReadBuffer -- a shorthand for ReadBufferExtended, for reading from main
 *		fork with RBM_NORMAL mode and default strategy.
ReadBuffer(Relation reln, BlockNumber blockNum)
	return ReadBufferExtended(reln, MAIN_FORKNUM, blockNum, RBM_NORMAL, NULL);

 * ReadBufferExtended -- returns a buffer containing the requested
 *		block of the requested relation.  If the blknum
 *		requested is P_NEW, extend the relation file and
 *		allocate a new block.  (Caller is responsible for
 *		ensuring that only one backend tries to extend a
 *		relation at the same time!)
 * Returns: the buffer number for the buffer containing
 *		the block read.  The returned buffer has been pinned.
 *		Does not return on error --- elog's instead.
 * Assume when this function is called, that reln has been opened already.
 * In RBM_NORMAL mode, the page is read from disk, and the page header is
 * validated.  An error is thrown if the page header is not valid.  (But
 * note that an all-zero page is considered "valid"; see
 * PageIsVerifiedExtended().)
 * RBM_ZERO_ON_ERROR is like the normal mode, but if the page header is not
 * valid, the page is zeroed instead of throwing an error. This is intended
 * for non-critical data, where the caller is prepared to repair errors.
 * In RBM_ZERO_AND_LOCK mode, if the page isn't in buffer cache already, it's
 * filled with zeros instead of reading it from disk.  Useful when the caller
 * is going to fill the page from scratch, since this saves I/O and avoids
 * unnecessary failure if the page-on-disk has corrupt page headers.
 * The page is returned locked to ensure that the caller has a chance to
 * initialize the page before it's made visible to others.
 * Caution: do not use this mode to read a page that is beyond the relation's
 * current physical EOF; that is likely to cause problems in md.c when
 * the page is modified and written out. P_NEW is OK, though.
 * RBM_ZERO_AND_CLEANUP_LOCK is the same as RBM_ZERO_AND_LOCK, but acquires
 * a cleanup-strength lock on the page.
 * RBM_NORMAL_NO_LOG mode is treated the same as RBM_NORMAL here.
 * If strategy is not NULL, a nondefault buffer access strategy is used.
 * See buffer/README for details.
ReadBufferExtended(Relation reln, ForkNumber forkNum, BlockNumber blockNum,
				   ReadBufferMode mode, BufferAccessStrategy strategy)
	bool		hit;
	Buffer		buf;

	 * Reject attempts to read non-local temporary relations; we would be
	 * likely to get wrong data since we have no visibility into the owning
	 * session's local buffers.
				 errmsg("cannot access temporary tables of other sessions")));

	 * Read the buffer, and update pgstat counters to reflect a cache hit or
	 * miss.
	buf = ReadBuffer_common(RelationGetSmgr(reln), reln->rd_rel->relpersistence,
							forkNum, blockNum, mode, strategy, &hit);
	if (hit)
	return buf;

 * ReadBufferWithoutRelcache -- like ReadBufferExtended, but doesn't require
 *		a relcache entry for the relation.
 * Pass permanent = true for a RELPERSISTENCE_PERMANENT relation, and
 * permanent = false for a RELPERSISTENCE_UNLOGGED relation. This function
 * cannot be used for temporary relations (and making that work might be
 * difficult, unless we only want to read temporary relations for our own
 * BackendId).
ReadBufferWithoutRelcache(RelFileLocator rlocator, ForkNumber forkNum,
						  BlockNumber blockNum, ReadBufferMode mode,
						  BufferAccessStrategy strategy, bool permanent)
	bool		hit;

	SMgrRelation smgr = smgropen(rlocator, InvalidBackendId);

	return ReadBuffer_common(smgr, permanent ? RELPERSISTENCE_PERMANENT :
							 RELPERSISTENCE_UNLOGGED, forkNum, blockNum,
							 mode, strategy, &hit);

每个Relation有多个Fork, 每个Fork对应一个或多个文件. 可以参考: Postgres 15 internals #2: Files and forks


buf = ReadBuffer_common(RelationGetSmgr(reln), reln->rd_rel->relpersistence,
							forkNum, blockNum, mode, strategy, &hit);

可以看到到这里为止forkNum没有变化, 但是reln转换成了RelationGetSmgr(reln)传递给ReadBuffer_common.

我们首先看一看RelationGetSmgr, 然后再看一看ReadBuffer_common.

 * RelationGetSmgr
 *		Returns smgr file handle for a relation, opening it if needed.
 * Very little code is authorized to touch rel->rd_smgr directly.  Instead
 * use this function to fetch its value.
 * Note: since a relcache flush can cause the file handle to be closed again,
 * it's unwise to hold onto the pointer returned by this function for any
 * long period.  Recommended practice is to just re-execute RelationGetSmgr
 * each time you need to access the SMgrRelation.  It's quite cheap in
 * comparison to whatever an smgr function is going to do.
static inline SMgrRelation
RelationGetSmgr(Relation rel)
	if (unlikely(rel->rd_smgr == NULL))
		smgrsetowner(&(rel->rd_smgr), smgropen(rel->rd_locator, rel->rd_backend));
	return rel->rd_smgr;

relcache flush会导致file handle即rel→rd_smgr关闭, 如果仍然有人使用rel→rd_smgr怎么办?


为了阅读sgmropen, 熟悉需要熟悉几个类型. 

typedef struct RelationData *Relation;

 * Here are the contents of a relation cache entry.

typedef struct RelationData
	RelFileLocator rd_locator;	/* relation physical identifier */
	SMgrRelation rd_smgr;		/* cached file handle, or NULL */
	int			rd_refcnt;		/* reference count */
	BackendId	rd_backend;		/* owning backend id, if temporary relation */
	bool		rd_islocaltemp; /* rel is a temp rel of this session */
	bool		rd_isnailed;	/* rel is nailed in cache */
	bool		rd_isvalid;		/* relcache entry is valid */
	bool		rd_indexvalid;	/* is rd_indexlist valid? (also rd_pkindex and
								 * rd_replidindex) */
	bool		rd_statvalid;	/* is rd_statlist valid? */

} RelationData;

 * Augmenting a relfilelocator with the backend ID provides all the information
 * we need to locate the physical storage.  The backend ID is InvalidBackendId
 * for regular relations (those accessible to more than one backend), or the
 * owning backend's ID for backend-local relations.  Backend-local relations
 * are always transient and removed in case of a database crash; they are
 * never WAL-logged or fsync'd.
typedef struct RelFileLocatorBackend
	RelFileLocator locator;
	BackendId	backend;
} RelFileLocatorBackend;

typedef SMgrRelationData *SMgrRelation;

 * smgr.c maintains a table of SMgrRelation objects, which are essentially
 * cached file handles.  An SMgrRelation is created (if not already present)
 * by smgropen(), and destroyed by smgrclose().  Note that neither of these
 * operations imply I/O, they just create or destroy a hashtable entry.
 * (But smgrclose() may release associated resources, such as OS-level file
 * descriptors.)
 * An SMgrRelation may have an "owner", which is just a pointer to it from
 * somewhere else; smgr.c will clear this pointer if the SMgrRelation is
 * closed.  We use this to avoid dangling pointers from relcache to smgr
 * without having to make the smgr explicitly aware of relcache.  There
 * can't be more than one "owner" pointer per SMgrRelation, but that's
 * all we need.
 * SMgrRelations that do not have an "owner" are considered to be transient,
 * and are deleted at end of transaction.
typedef struct SMgrRelationData
	/* rlocator is the hashtable lookup key, so it must be first! */
	RelFileLocatorBackend smgr_rlocator;	/* relation physical identifier */

	/* pointer to owning pointer, or NULL if none */
	struct SMgrRelationData **smgr_owner;

	 * The following fields are reset to InvalidBlockNumber upon a cache flush
	 * event, and hold the last known size for each fork.  This information is
	 * currently only reliable during recovery, since there is no cache
	 * invalidation for fork extension.
	BlockNumber smgr_targblock; /* current insertion target block */
	BlockNumber smgr_cached_nblocks[MAX_FORKNUM + 1];	/* last known size */

	/* additional public fields may someday exist here */

	 * Fields below here are intended to be private to smgr.c and its
	 * submodules.  Do not touch them from elsewhere.
	int			smgr_which;		/* storage manager selector */

	 * for md.c; per-fork arrays of the number of open segments
	 * (md_num_open_segs) and the segments themselves (md_seg_fds).
	int			md_num_open_segs[MAX_FORKNUM + 1];
	struct _MdfdVec *md_seg_fds[MAX_FORKNUM + 1];

	/* if unowned, list link in list of all unowned SMgrRelations */
	dlist_node	node;
} SMgrRelationData;

 * smgropen() -- Return an SMgrRelation object, creating it if need be.
 * This does not attempt to actually open the underlying file.
smgropen(RelFileLocator rlocator, BackendId backend)
	RelFileLocatorBackend brlocator;
	SMgrRelation reln;
	bool		found;

	if (SMgrRelationHash == NULL)
		/* First time through: initialize the hash table */
		HASHCTL		ctl;

		ctl.keysize = sizeof(RelFileLocatorBackend);
		ctl.entrysize = sizeof(SMgrRelationData);
		SMgrRelationHash = hash_create("smgr relation table", 400,
									   &ctl, HASH_ELEM | HASH_BLOBS);

	/* Look up or create an entry */
	brlocator.locator = rlocator;
	brlocator.backend = backend;
	reln = (SMgrRelation) hash_search(SMgrRelationHash,
									  HASH_ENTER, &found);

	/* Initialize it if not present before */
	if (!found)
		/* hash_search already filled in the lookup key */
		reln->smgr_owner = NULL;
		reln->smgr_targblock = InvalidBlockNumber;
		for (int i = 0; i <= MAX_FORKNUM; ++i)
			reln->smgr_cached_nblocks[i] = InvalidBlockNumber;
		reln->smgr_which = 0;	/* we only have md.c at present */

		/* implementation-specific initialization */

		/* it has no owner yet */
		dlist_push_tail(&unowned_relns, &reln->node);

	return reln;

关键数据结构: SMgrRelationHash

这个哈希表的映射关系为: RelFileLocatorBackend (关系)→ SMgrRelationData(文件句柄).


所有打开的relation都会被缓存到哈希表中, 在smgr_open中, 如果没有在哈希表中查询到relation, 则新创建一个entry, 并将其放入unowned_relns中. 另外还需要调用smgrsw[reln→smgr_which].smgr_open(). 选择具体设备的操作进行open.

static const f_smgr smgrsw[] = {
	/* magnetic disk */
		.smgr_init = mdinit,
		.smgr_shutdown = NULL,
		.smgr_open = mdopen,
		.smgr_close = mdclose,
		.smgr_create = mdcreate,
		.smgr_exists = mdexists,
		.smgr_unlink = mdunlink,
		.smgr_extend = mdextend,
		.smgr_zeroextend = mdzeroextend,
		.smgr_prefetch = mdprefetch,
		.smgr_read = mdread,
		.smgr_write = mdwrite,
		.smgr_writeback = mdwriteback,
		.smgr_nblocks = mdnblocks,
		.smgr_truncate = mdtruncate,
		.smgr_immedsync = mdimmedsync,

通常reln→smgr_which的值为0. 默认为磁盘.


 * mdopen() -- Initialize newly-opened relation.
mdopen(SMgrRelation reln)
	/* mark it not open */
	for (int forknum = 0; forknum <= MAX_FORKNUM; forknum++)
		reln->md_num_open_segs[forknum] = 0;

现在看reln→md_num_open_segs[forknum]还是有点抽象, 所以还需要再探SMgrRelationData中的两个成员:

struct SMgrRelationData {
	 * for md.c; per-fork arrays of the number of open segments
	 * (md_num_open_segs) and the segments themselves (md_seg_fds).
	int			md_num_open_segs[MAX_FORKNUM + 1]; // 每个fork打开的segment(文件)数量
	struct _MdfdVec *md_seg_fds[MAX_FORKNUM + 1]; // 每个fork都对应一个_MdfdVec数组,
                                           // 数组中每个元素为segment

以及 struct _MdfdVec的定义:

 * The magnetic disk storage manager keeps track of open file
 * descriptors in its own descriptor pool.  This is done to make it
 * easier to support relations that are larger than the operating
 * system's file size limit (often 2GBytes).  In order to do that,
 * we break relations up into "segment" files that are each shorter than
 * the OS file size limit.  The segment size is set by the RELSEG_SIZE
 * configuration constant in pg_config.h.
 * On disk, a relation must consist of consecutively numbered segment
 * files in the pattern
 *	-- Zero or more full segments of exactly RELSEG_SIZE blocks each
 *	-- Exactly one partial segment of size 0 <= size < RELSEG_SIZE blocks
 *	-- Optionally, any number of inactive segments of size 0 blocks.
 * The full and partial segments are collectively the "active" segments.
 * Inactive segments are those that once contained data but are currently
 * not needed because of an mdtruncate() operation.  The reason for leaving
 * them present at size zero, rather than unlinking them, is that other
 * backends and/or the checkpointer might be holding open file references to
 * such segments.  If the relation expands again after mdtruncate(), such
 * that a deactivated segment becomes active again, it is important that
 * such file references still be valid --- else data might get written
 * out to an unlinked old copy of a segment file that will eventually
 * disappear.
 * File descriptors are stored in the per-fork md_seg_fds arrays inside
 * SMgrRelation. The length of these arrays is stored in md_num_open_segs.
 * Note that a fork's md_num_open_segs having a specific value does not
 * necessarily mean the relation doesn't have additional segments; we may
 * just not have opened the next segment yet.  (We could not have "all
 * segments are in the array" as an invariant anyway, since another backend
 * could extend the relation while we aren't looking.)  We do not have
 * entries for inactive segments, however; as soon as we find a partial
 * segment, we assume that any subsequent segments are inactive.
 * The entire MdfdVec array is palloc'd in the MdCxt memory context.

typedef struct _MdfdVec
	File		mdfd_vfd;		/* fd number in fd.c's pool */
	BlockNumber mdfd_segno;		/* segment number, from 0 */
} MdfdVec;


回到smgropen()这个函数, 它只是在哈希表中创建了一个SMgrRelationData entry, 并将其放入了一个无拥有者的链表中. 另外将该relation每个fork中的open segments数量置为0.


 * ReadBuffer_common -- common logic for all ReadBuffer variants
 * *hit is set to true if the request was satisfied from shared buffer cache.
static Buffer
ReadBuffer_common(SMgrRelation smgr, char relpersistence, ForkNumber forkNum,
				  BlockNumber blockNum, ReadBufferMode mode,
				  BufferAccessStrategy strategy, bool *hit)
	 * Read in the page, unless the caller intends to overwrite it and just
	 * wants us to allocate a buffer.
		MemSet((char *) bufBlock, 0, BLCKSZ);
		***smgrread(smgr, forkNum, blockNum, bufBlock);***

		/* Set BM_VALID, terminate IO, and wake up any waiters */
		TerminateBufferIO(bufHdr, false, BM_VALID);
	return BufferDescriptorGetBuffer(bufHdr);

具体代码参见附录A.1, 本文的重点是找到合适的file handle cache, 目前看来SMgrRelationData担任了这个角色, smgropen中只是初始化了smgr的成员, 现在期望通过详细观察sgmrread能够理清smgr的在io流程中的具体作用.

.smgr_read = mdread

 * mdread() -- Read the specified block from a relation.
mdread(SMgrRelation reln, ForkNumber forknum, BlockNumber blocknum,
	   void *buffer)
	off_t		seekpos;
	int			nbytes;
	MdfdVec    *v;

	/* If this build supports direct I/O, the buffer must be I/O aligned. */
		Assert((uintptr_t) buffer == TYPEALIGN(PG_IO_ALIGN_SIZE, buffer));


	v = _mdfd_getseg(reln, forknum, blocknum, false,

	seekpos = (off_t) BLCKSZ * (blocknum % ((BlockNumber) RELSEG_SIZE));

	Assert(seekpos < (off_t) BLCKSZ * RELSEG_SIZE);

	nbytes = FileRead(v->mdfd_vfd, buffer, BLCKSZ, seekpos, WAIT_EVENT_DATA_FILE_READ);


	if (nbytes != BLCKSZ)
		if (nbytes < 0)
					 errmsg("could not read block %u in file \"%s\": %m",
							blocknum, FilePathName(v->mdfd_vfd))));

		 * Short read: we are at or past EOF, or we read a partial block at
		 * EOF.  Normally this is an error; upper levels should never try to
		 * read a nonexistent block.  However, if zero_damaged_pages is ON or
		 * we are InRecovery, we should instead return zeroes without
		 * complaining.  This allows, for example, the case of trying to
		 * update a block that was later truncated away.
		if (zero_damaged_pages || InRecovery)
			MemSet(buffer, 0, BLCKSZ);
					 errmsg("could not read block %u in file \"%s\": read only %d of %d bytes",
							blocknum, FilePathName(v->mdfd_vfd),
							nbytes, BLCKSZ)));


看到这里, 基本达到了寻找File metadata cache的目的. pg中File meta data cache就是SMgrRelationData.

熟悉SMgrRelationData后, 需要纠正一些Book keeper中的设计.

  • 不能以文件为单位管理映射, 因为一个Fork可能有多个segment组成, 但是这些segment虽然是不同的文件, 但是IO空间相同. 所以book keeper中应该以relation + fork作为key, 映射到特定relation的特定fork对应的虚拟地址空间.

3. PTBM对SMgrRelationData的修改

需要新增成员数组: md_fork_mapping_start

  • NULL值为无效值, 说明还没有建立映射.
  • 非NULL值为该fork在shared memory中的映射地址.
struct SMgrRelationData {
	 * for md.c; per-fork arrays of the number of open segments
	 * (md_num_open_segs) and the segments themselves (md_seg_fds).
	int			md_num_open_segs[MAX_FORKNUM + 1]; // 每个fork打开的segment(文件)数量
	struct _MdfdVec *md_seg_fds[MAX_FORKNUM + 1]; // 每个fork都对应一个_MdfdVec数组,
                                           // 数组中每个元素为segment
  ***void *md_fork_mapping_start[MAX_FORKNUM + 1];***

4. SMgrRelationData的所有权 & 并发安全

首先抛出一个重要问题: PG如何保证SMgrRelationData时的并发安全?


 * smgrsetowner() -- Establish a long-lived reference to an SMgrRelation object
 * There can be only one owner at a time; this is sufficient since currently
 * the only such owners exist in the relcache.
smgrsetowner(SMgrRelation *owner, SMgrRelation reln)
	/* We don't support "disowning" an SMgrRelation here, use smgrclearowner */
	Assert(owner != NULL);

	 * First, unhook any old owner.  (Normally there shouldn't be any, but it
	 * seems possible that this can happen during swap_relation_files()
	 * depending on the order of processing.  It's ok to close the old
	 * relcache entry early in that case.)
	 * If there isn't an old owner, then the reln should be in the unowned
	 * list, and we need to remove it.
	if (reln->smgr_owner)
		*(reln->smgr_owner) = NULL;

	/* Now establish the ownership relationship. */
	reln->smgr_owner = owner;
	*owner = reln;

猜测(与smgrsetowner无关): smgr是process local的变量, 多进程读写同一个文件的并发安全由buffer manager通过buffer descriptor控制. 因为每个backend在读写磁盘页之前都会检查并设置buffer descriptor中的读写锁. 所以下层storage manager进行文件IO时可能是并发安全的.

A. 附录

A.1 ReadBuffer_common解析


 * ReadBuffer_common -- common logic for all ReadBuffer variants
 * *hit is set to true if the request was satisfied from shared buffer cache.
static Buffer
ReadBuffer_common(SMgrRelation smgr, char relpersistence, ForkNumber forkNum,
				  BlockNumber blockNum, ReadBufferMode mode,
				  BufferAccessStrategy strategy, bool *hit)
	BufferDesc *bufHdr;
	Block		bufBlock;
	bool		found;
	IOContext	io_context;
	IOObject	io_object;
	bool		isLocalBuf = SmgrIsTemp(smgr);

	*hit = false;

	 * Backward compatibility path, most code should use ExtendBufferedRel()
	 * instead, as acquiring the extension lock inside ExtendBufferedRel()
	 * scales a lot better.
  创建新的page, 兼容旧的写法. 新的写法在ExtendBufferedRel().
	if (unlikely(blockNum == P_NEW))
		uint32		flags = EB_SKIP_EXTENSION_LOCK;

		 * Since no-one else can be looking at the page contents yet, there is
		 * no difference between an exclusive lock and a cleanup-strength
		 * lock.
			flags |= EB_LOCK_FIRST;

		return ExtendBufferedRel(EB_SMGR(smgr, relpersistence),
								 forkNum, strategy, flags);

	/* Make sure we will have room to remember the buffer pin */


	if (isLocalBuf)
		 * We do not use a BufferAccessStrategy for I/O of temporary tables.
		 * However, in some cases, the "strategy" may not be NULL, so we can't
		 * rely on IOContextForStrategy() to set the right IOContext for us.
		 * This may happen in cases like CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE AS...
		io_context = IOCONTEXT_NORMAL;
		bufHdr = LocalBufferAlloc(smgr, forkNum, blockNum, &found);
		if (found)
		else if (mode == RBM_NORMAL || mode == RBM_NORMAL_NO_LOG ||
				 mode == RBM_ZERO_ON_ERROR)
		 * lookup the buffer.  IO_IN_PROGRESS is set if the requested block is
		 * not currently in memory.
		io_context = IOContextForStrategy(strategy);
		io_object = IOOBJECT_RELATION;
		bufHdr = BufferAlloc(smgr, relpersistence, forkNum, blockNum,
							 strategy, &found, io_context);
		if (found)
		else if (mode == RBM_NORMAL || mode == RBM_NORMAL_NO_LOG ||
				 mode == RBM_ZERO_ON_ERROR)

	/* At this point we do NOT hold any locks. */

	/* if it was already in the buffer pool, we're done */
	if (found)
		/* Just need to update stats before we exit */
		*hit = true;
		pgstat_count_io_op(io_object, io_context, IOOP_HIT);

		if (VacuumCostActive)
			VacuumCostBalance += VacuumCostPageHit;


		 * In RBM_ZERO_AND_LOCK mode the caller expects the page to be locked
		 * on return.
		if (!isLocalBuf)
			if (mode == RBM_ZERO_AND_LOCK)
			else if (mode == RBM_ZERO_AND_CLEANUP_LOCK)

		return BufferDescriptorGetBuffer(bufHdr);

	 * if we have gotten to this point, we have allocated a buffer for the
	 * page but its contents are not yet valid.  IO_IN_PROGRESS is set for it,
	 * if it's a shared buffer.
	Assert(!(pg_atomic_read_u32(&bufHdr->state) & BM_VALID));	/* spinlock not needed */

	bufBlock = isLocalBuf ? LocalBufHdrGetBlock(bufHdr) : BufHdrGetBlock(bufHdr);

	 * Read in the page, unless the caller intends to overwrite it and just
	 * wants us to allocate a buffer.
		MemSet((char *) bufBlock, 0, BLCKSZ);
		instr_time	io_start = pgstat_prepare_io_time();

		smgrread(smgr, forkNum, blockNum, bufBlock);

		pgstat_count_io_op_time(io_object, io_context,
								IOOP_READ, io_start, 1);

		/* check for garbage data */
		if (!PageIsVerifiedExtended((Page) bufBlock, blockNum,
			if (mode == RBM_ZERO_ON_ERROR || zero_damaged_pages)
						 errmsg("invalid page in block %u of relation %s; zeroing out page",
								relpath(smgr->smgr_rlocator, forkNum))));
				MemSet((char *) bufBlock, 0, BLCKSZ);
						 errmsg("invalid page in block %u of relation %s",
								relpath(smgr->smgr_rlocator, forkNum))));

	 * In RBM_ZERO_AND_LOCK / RBM_ZERO_AND_CLEANUP_LOCK mode, grab the buffer
	 * content lock before marking the page as valid, to make sure that no
	 * other backend sees the zeroed page before the caller has had a chance
	 * to initialize it.
	 * Since no-one else can be looking at the page contents yet, there is no
	 * difference between an exclusive lock and a cleanup-strength lock. (Note
	 * that we cannot use LockBuffer() or LockBufferForCleanup() here, because
	 * they assert that the buffer is already valid.)
	if ((mode == RBM_ZERO_AND_LOCK || mode == RBM_ZERO_AND_CLEANUP_LOCK) &&
		LWLockAcquire(BufferDescriptorGetContentLock(bufHdr), LW_EXCLUSIVE);

	if (isLocalBuf)
		/* Only need to adjust flags */
		uint32		buf_state = pg_atomic_read_u32(&bufHdr->state);

		buf_state |= BM_VALID;
		pg_atomic_unlocked_write_u32(&bufHdr->state, buf_state);
		/* Set BM_VALID, terminate IO, and wake up any waiters */
		TerminateBufferIO(bufHdr, false, BM_VALID);

	if (VacuumCostActive)
		VacuumCostBalance += VacuumCostPageMiss;


	return BufferDescriptorGetBuffer(bufHdr);